E-opala is a Hawaii company tha specializes in helping organizations manage their surplus and decommissioned IT equipment. This poses a unique challenge for the healthcare industry. You can trust that your equipment will be handled and processed according to the highest standards of compliance, including chain of custody, data destruction, HIPAA requirements, and Electronic Waste (E-Waste) management. We also help healthcare providers extract value from idle assets through our purchase and remarketing program. We can find the solution that best fits your operational and IT objectives.
Healthcare Equipment
Much like your IT assets, healthcare providers are burdened with plenty of surplus, out of service, or decommissioned medical equipment. Equipment is managed and monitored while in service but what do you do now that it is no longer being used? How do you best manage the storage, removal, risk, and disposition of these diverse set of equipment? E-opala is your answer. We are in the business of managing used and surplus equipment of all types, and thus our focus is how to provide you the best solution while getting the most value from decommissioned and excess medical assets. Through our extensive reverse logistics capabilities, large network of buyers, and responsible recycling (R2) process, you will receive the maximum value for your equipment along with the peace of mind that it will be properly handled according to manufacturer and agency requirements throughout the process.
Real-time reporting through our online portal allows you to track items in transit, asset capturing, data destruction and full reporting.
Talk to us today to find out how to create value for your organization!