

3951 Puhi Rd, Lihue, HI (Zipcode: 96766)


Situated in the area of Lihue (Hawaii), Puhi Metals Recycling Facility (Resource Recovery Solutions) will guide you to find junk pieces or get cash for your vehicles. You can find what you need with its favorable offering and assuring warranties. Its business scope includes vehicle parts and scrap metal delivery. Ask them for an appraisal of the junk car or more details in buying a junk car at a good price. You might be able to dial their phone number +1 808-245-6919 or drop by the junkyard during open hours and get what you need.

The Hawaii Electronic Device Recycling and Recovery Law

The Hawaii Electronic Device Recycling and Recovery Law requires manufacturers of electronic devices to operate recycling programs. Electronic devices (EDs) include computers, computer printers, computer monitors, portable computers with a screen size greater than four inches measured diagonally, and televisions with a viewable screen of nine inches or larger.

Resource recovery solutions is proud to be working with the state to be the island of Kauai only participating company in this program, this means we will continue to take these items, free of charge, but knowing that they are recycled properly by manufacture, approve recycling facilities.

Recycle Now